ULOC Weight Management
ULOC Weight Management
In our contemporary era, the importance of weight management has become increasingly pronounced, with a multifaceted impact on both physical and mental well-being. Beyond the conventional health benefits associated with maintaining a healthy weight, such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases, there is a growing recognition of its role in fostering confidence. In a society heavily influenced by social media and image-centric norms, individuals often find themselves grappling with body image issues. Effective weight management not only enhances physical health but also contributes significantly to cultivating a positive self-image. By achieving and sustaining a balanced weight, individuals can experience an improved sense of confidence and self-esteem, enabling them to navigate the challenges of the modern world with a greater sense of assurance and well-being.
ULOC Weight Management Suitable for:
1. Excess fats, especially around the abdomen
2. Pain or inflammation
3. Problem balancing your blood sugar (through tests), hungry often and have cravings 4. Problem maintaining a good blood pressure
5. Problem lowering your bad lipids (cholesterol)
ULOC Weight Management Contains:
2 x ShakeUp Proten + 600g
2 x Metacomplex 230g
Direction of use:
Add 1 spoon of Shake Up Protein + and 7.5 ml of Metacomplex to 200 ml of luke warm water, stir or shake evenly and ready to serve.
Recommended to consume ULOC Weight Management twice a day, take in the morning together with breakfast and dinner. You may take ULOC Weight Management as meal replacement to get an effective results in shorter period.
ULOC Weight Management Suitable for:
1. Excess fats, especially around the abdomen
2. Pain or inflammation
3. Problem balancing your blood sugar (through tests), hungry often and have cravings 4. Problem maintaining a good blood pressure
5. Problem lowering your bad lipids (cholesterol)
ULOC Weight Management Contains:
2 x ShakeUp Proten + 600g
2 x Metacomplex 230g
Direction of use:
Add 1 spoon of Shake Up Protein + and 7.5 ml of Metacomplex to 200 ml of luke warm water, stir or shake evenly and ready to serve.
Recommended to consume ULOC Weight Management twice a day, take in the morning together with breakfast and dinner. You may take ULOC Weight Management as meal replacement to get an effective results in shorter period.
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
Shipping: Home Delivery
Return: Within 7 days upon good received.Terms and conditionsapply.